Box Office Sales y. 2018 - 2023:
analyzing its relationship with production budget, genre, distribution company

Gross Sales

The median of our data set is $730,388,056, the mean is $821,684,829.04, and the standard deviation is $500,700,059.62. We will use median as our measure of central tendency because our data set is positively skewed and has 3 outliers as seen in the boxplot represented by the circles in the upper portion of the box plot. The skewness of our data points is 1.58. We can interpret our median, $730,388,056 as the average gross sales of the 72 movies. Based on our data set, we calculated the 25th percentile to be $458,480,986.3, the 50th percentile to be $730,388,056 and the 75th percentile to be $1,056,369,113. Our calculated Interquartile Range is $597,888,126.7.

Production Budgets

The mean of the data set is $169,405,303.03, the median is $170,000,000.00, and the standard deviation is $83,435,532.06. To analyze the data, we will use the median as our measure of central tendency since the data is positively skewed and has 3 outliers as seen in the box and whisker plot. The skewness of the data points is 0.85, suggesting that the data is positively and moderately skewed. We can interpret our median, $170,000,000.00, as the average production budget of the 66 out of the 72 movies that had an officially released budget. Furthermore, the quartiles of the data set are $102,500,000.00 as the 1st quartile, $170,000,000.00 as the 2nd, and %200,000,000.00 as the 3rd quartile.

1. Production budget vs. Sales

Most movies in the top 12 have a production budget of around $72,630,383.50. Most of the top 5 movies in terms of gross sales have a production budget in the 75th - 99th percentile, with one exception being the latest live-action Barbie movie released by Warner Bros. with a budget of $145,000,000 in the 25th to 50th percentile. Movies with a higher production budget tend to be better in sales since they have more money to allocate to better the quality of their movie.

2. Genre vs. Sales

Superhero movies top the list in terms of average gross sales of $971,046,917.7, followed by comedy movies with an average gross sales of $941,339,338.8. Superhero movies tend to have a larger audience because of their lower age rating and appeal to most generations. This genre can give the audience a role model to look up to and can incorporate universal themes to relate to viewers but still be exciting and action-packed. Thriller movies have the lowest average gross sales, with an average gross sale of $472,507,789.7.Thriller movies have a higher age rating and sensitive themes that may deter viewers, which could be a reason for their smaller audience and popularity.