
Movies play a bigger influence on our lives than most people think. A scene in a movie can evoke a person’s emotions and can influence the way people think or behave. It can also impact trends in society, create biases and stereotypes, and affect people’s daily lives. The more viewers a film has, the greater an influence it has on society. Our paper is about analyzing the different factors that can affect a movie’s gross sales in the box office.

We collected information from the top 12 movies in terms of gross sales($) from 2018 - 2023, including the movie’s year of release, genre, distribution company, and production budget (in US Dollars) The goal of this paper is to analyze how these factors can affect the success of a movie in terms of gross sales.

We collected our data from Box Office Mojo, a website that contains most of the box office sales, the movies, and other information featured in our project, and