I'm currently 14 years old and I was born in Nabunturan, Davao de Oro, Philippines on September 9, 2009.
I completed kindergarten and elementary education at
Assumption College of Nabunturan. I'm currently in my 9th grade of high school at Philippine Science High School - Southern Mindanao Campus.
Some facts about me are: I'm currently
a dormer at the residence hall of my school; I was a director's list student from the second quarter of my freshman year, until now; I joined the Philippine International Mathematics
and Science Olympiad - Science Category and received a silver award.
I don't have any particular hobbies or interests, but I like watching sitcoms or TV series in my free time. I like
Biology the most out of all my school subjects and aspire to become a doctor in the future.
I'm currently 14 years old and was born on April 13, 2009 in Davao City.
I'm also in my 9th grade of high school at the same school. I'm currently a member of the Science
and Math Enthusiasts Circle (ALA) at PSHS - SMC.
I'm currently 15 years old and was born on March 11, 2008.
I'm in my 9th grade of high school at PSHS - SMC and I am a member of the JEM Club.